No Child Left Inside Grant Program (HI)
Policy Type Legend
What do these icons mean?
Climate Education
Grant Fund
Community Process
Outdoor Recreation
Outdoor Learning in Schools
Early Childhood Education
This grant program will provide financial support and resources to establish and maintain outdoor education programs for students. School, organizational, or agency programs that include one or more of the following will be considered for this grant:
Contribution to the reduction of academic failure and dropout rates;
Utilization of a nationally accredited environmental education curriculum;
Contributions to a healthy lifestyle through outdoor recreation and nutrition programming
Use of a state park as a venue or the department's personnel as a resource;
Maximizing the number of participants that can be served;
Commitment to matching or in-kind resources; and
Creation of public-private partnerships.
This grant program will be phased in starting with schools with the most significant needs, and those focused on at-risk students. All applicants should provide outdoor education programming. Schools that participate in this grant program must provide programs that align with Hawaii’s learning standards.
Policy Details
Year Submitted
Bill Status
Bill in Water and Land Committee at end of session
Most Recent Yearly Funding
Total Program
Continuing or One-time Funding
Funding Source
Public or private funds
Path to Enactment
Bill Number