Environmental Equity and Outdoor Access Act
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This bill would establish an Environmental Equity and Outdoor Access Act, which reinforces the state of California’s commitment to ensuring that all Californians have access to, and can benefit from the state’s cultural and natural resources. This bill identifies that cultivating appreciation and respect for nature is necessary to instill environmental stewardship and support overall state conservation, protection, and climate goals.
California’s Natural Resources Agency, which includes the Department of Conservation, the Department of Parks and Recreation, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife, is responsible for various tasks, including tasks related to land conservation. This bill would authorize the Natural Resources Agency, and each department, office, board, conservancy, and commission within the agency to take targeted actions that prioritize “communities of color, economically disadvantaged communities, the LGBTQ community, people with disabilities, women, and individuals belonging to more than one of these groups, to reduce elevated barriers to access and increased exposure to environmental health risks that disproportionately impact these communities and people to ensure equitable environmental protection and outdoor access is achieved.” This bill acknowledges that the barriers of access and lack of representation of California’s diversity in the outdoor sector are results of systemic environmental racism and marginalization of low-income communities.
This bill sets forth that the Natural Resources Agency prepare and submit a report with information on the implementation of this Act to the Legislature on or before January 1, 2024.
After passing the California Senate in May, this bill was ordered to the assembly.
Policy Details
Year Submitted
Bill Status
Bill in Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee at end of session
Most Recent Yearly Funding
Total Program
Continuing or One-time Funding
Funding Source
Path to Enactment
Bill Number