Climate Change Education Act (NY)
New York
Policy Type Legend
What do these icons mean?
Climate Education
Grant Fund
Community Process
Outdoor Recreation
Outdoor Learning in Schools
Early Childhood Education
This act would help to develop climate change education initiatives by creating grant programs for public school districts, boards of cooperative educational services, and community-based organizations, or consortium or partnership formed by a public school district to conduct education programs aimed at increasing climate change literacy in students. At least 50% of the awarded grant money will go towards climate change education programs and no more than 50% will go towards professional development for teachers.
Grant applications should include an outline of the program including instructional material, any special or unusual innovative services within the program, the number and types of educators to be employed, the geographic area in which the proposed program will be offered, the number of students or teachers who will participate, demonstration that the proposed program is adequate in terms of course length, and the professional development that would be offered.
Policy Details
Year Submitted
Submitted 2019, in process
Bill Status
Bill in Senate Energy and Telecommunications Committee end of session
Most Recent Yearly Funding
Total Program
Continuing or One-time Funding
Continuing (projected)
Funding Source
Awaiting Appropriation
Path to Enactment
Bill Number