Share Testimony
Share written or live testimony at a public hearing
The Education & Cultural Affairs Committee will be holding a public hearing on LD 1902 bill on January 25.
Learn more about how you can get involved and share testimony
Read our guide below then sign up ​to testify live or submit written testimony in advance.
We hosted a 30-minute session with information about this bill and how you can support it.
Read & share about the details of this bill and why it benefits Maine teachers and students.
Sign up to testify at the public hearing
The Education and Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a virtual public hearing on the bill on January 25 at 9:30am. Providing testimony during the hearing is an important way to signal support for the bill to the legislators.
Click here to sign up to testify on Zoom or, if you can't make the hearing, to submit written testimony by the 25th.
After clicking the link, select public hearing -> Education and Cultural Affairs Committee -> Jan 25 2022 9:30am -> LD 1902.
Then, upload and submit your testimony and contact information. If you can testify on Zoom, be sure to click the "I would like to present my testimony live" box and choose "I am for the proposed legislation." Testimony from individuals and on behalf of organizations is encouraged!
In your testimony, introduce yourself, who you're representing (if you're representing an organization), and why you're supporting the bill. If you're testifying live, be prepared to limit your testimony to 3 minutes.