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Write a Letter to the Editor

Speak up about your support for LD 1902

A letter to the editor (LTE) is a concise way anyone can share their personal story and why they support a piece of legislation.

Check out this short video about LD 1902 and how to best write a letter to the editor in support.

Watch here

Read this informational guide about LD 1902 and how to best write a letter to the editor in support of this legislation.

Read it here

This thorough guide from Wabanaki Alliance ​walks you through how to write and publish a letter to the editor.

Read it

Read & share about the details of this bill and why it benefits Maine teachers and students.

Read it here

Examples of letters to the editor

"When I was growing up, climate science was not taught. The problem humanity is facing is not talked about to those of us who are standing in the crossfire. Can you feel our frustration?"

"We believe that every single Maine child should have powerful community-based environmental and outdoor learning experiences."

From teacher

"Teaching during the pandemic has increased the workload for teachers, and place-based climate change lessons will not start soon enough if we encourage only the teachers without other obligations to seek learning on their own time."

"With understanding comes the increased likelihood of solutions – so we owe good climate education to our youth!"

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